
Portfolio Spotlight

Environmental, Social & Governance


Vertical Overview

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) is a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. “Environmental” refers to the environmental impact of a company's operations, including its greenhouse gas emissions, use of natural resources, and management of waste and pollution. “Social” refers to the social impact of a company's operations, including its treatment of employees, supply chain labor practices, and impact on local communities. “Governance” refers to the way a company is managed and governed, including its leadership, executive pay, and transparency. While many companies deploy certain ESG strategies, companies fitting in this vertical are upholding and improving these standards corporately and/or through their innovative platforms and solutions.
The Case For Growth


The Case
For Growth

ESG investing is increasingly attracting the attention of investors who seek to align themselves and their money with organizations committed to responsible environmental, social and governance policies. We believe ESG will continue to be a key focus in the market for several reasons.

  1. Many people, including investors, are becoming more aware of the need for companies to address environmental and social issues in a responsible manner. As a result, there may be increased demand for investments in companies that prioritize ESG factors. Though the last to be more fully addressed, DCA anticipates a renewed focus on Governance solutions going forward.

  2. Governments around the world are increasingly enacting regulations and providing incentives to encourage companies to adopt sustainable business practices. This may make ESG investing more attractive to investors.

  3. Some studies have found that companies with strong ESG performance may outperform those with weaker ESG performance over the long term. This could make ESG investing an attractive option for investors seeking strong, long-term returns.*

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ESG By The Numbers

$53T Global ESG investment
AUM by 2025**


2X Projected market growth by 2025***


28%ESG investment inquiries that come from Gen Z***


DCA Portfolio Companies

Plastic Replacement Materials
Energy Consumption Monitoring & Visualization


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